Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Lake District Black & White Photography

When I visited the Lake District for the weekend in February 2011 the weather wasn't that great. Well when is it when it's one of the wettest places in Britain. I had gone in mind of getting some nice shots of the peaks and lakes but I was greeted by misty and dull weather. At first thinking it was a waste of a weekend away but then once I started taking pictures of Lake Windermere with the mist, things started to look up.

The mist created a great non-disruptive background to capture reflections of the boats and also reflections of other things around the lakes. So my advice is don't be disheartened by the British weather because you can take great images in any weather you just need a different approach and that approach is how you see things.

Please enjoy the images and please comment. Any advice is good advice.

 Windermere Boats
 Coniston Water Reflections
 Disappearing Over the Peaks
 Tarn Reflections
Boat Reflections
Windermere Boat Reflections

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